What does the Gateway Fund Support?
Gateway Fund provides grant funding to qualified organizations that support three core causes:
1. STEM Education and Workforce Development:
Gateway Fund helps develop the capacity of the future workforce by supporting youth education and adult workforce development programs that promote proficiency in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).

2. Health and Wellness:
Gateway Fund supports organizations that work to prevent disease and maintain health in all individuals and our community. We believe in a three part plan for healthier living: Act Well, Think Well and Eat Well. We partner with community organizations that promote wellness through these three avenues:
A. Act Well is movement - programs that encourage movement and movement awareness for everyone. Movement is recognized as an important tool in the prevention and treatment of many diseases and conditions.
B. Think Well is mindfulness and problem solving - programs that teach, support and encourage critical thinking, the ability to use knowledge, facts and data to effectively solve problems and promote overall wellness.
C. Eat Well is what you put into your body - programs that recognize, teach and support the concept that healthy eating is a critical first step to prevention and treatment of many diseases.

3. Environmental Stewardship:
Environmental programs that support the preservation of natural resources, and educate children, residents, and businesses to employ conservation techniques to minimize adverse impacts on the environment.
What does the Gateway Fund NOT support?
- Requests for the donation of our products and services
- Organizations that limit membership, employment or services based on such attributes as race, color, gender, disability, sexual orientation, religious affiliation, gender identity, national origin, marital status, and/or citizenship.
- Institutions, organizations or groups that are not tax-exempt under the IRS Code Section 501(c)(3)
- Business (for profit) ventures
- Requests for loan or debt retirements
- Churches or other organizations whose purpose promotes a particular religion or creed
- Political parties, candidates or public policy advocates/lobbyists
- Tax-supported entities, including public schools
- Fraternal, social, union or hobby/recreational clubs or organizations
- Organizations located outside of the United States
- Organizations whose mission, operating philosophy or activities are in direct conflict with Gateway Engineers, Inc. company policy and could potentially damage the company’s reputation or could result in negative publicity for the company
What are the Gateway Fund requirements for grant reports?
When funded by Gateway Fund, grantee organizations are required to submit a report by November 1st that includes the following information:
1. Financial Reports - budget to actual spreadsheet with budget narrative for the organization as a whole and for the project funded by Gateway Fund (if just part of the organization’s activities)
2. Project Activities - What did you do with the funding? Did you do what you said you were going to do? If not, why not?
3. Quantitative IMPACT - What were your quantitative goals? Did you reach your goals? If not, why not?
4. Qualitative IMPACT Report - What success stories can you share of success, including photos?
5. Lessons learned - what did you learn during the course of the grant and what would you do differently next year?
6. Future plans for the program/organization
How often does the Gateway Fund give grants/what is the timeline for Gateway Fund giving?
Gateway Fund operates on an ongoing, annual basis, with a fixed timeline that begins with applications, and concludes with grantee reporting. Qualifying grantee organizations may be consecutively funded for up to 3 years.

Giving Timeline:
December 1 - grant application deadline
January 15 - announce grant awards to grantee organizations
February - financial distribution
Nov 1 - grantee reports due to Gateway Fund
Is there a minimum/maximum amount that Gateway Fund will provide?
For the 2025 and 2026 grant awards, Gateway Fund will be awarding five (5) grants of $10,000 each.
What is Gateway Fund's selection criteria or decision making process?
The giving committee, composed of Gateway Engineers employees and philanthropic consultants, will review all grant applications that meet submission criteria. Upon review and assessment of need and utilization of potential grant award, the committee will come to consensus on grant donations, and notify the respective grantee organization.

The committee may request site visits with finalists to see their work and talk to them directly about their known or projected impact.

Committee members will use a rubric to score each application before they meet to decide on funding based on the following criteria:
- Mission fit
- Alignment of organization to Gateway Fund's three core causes: STEM Education, Health and Wellness, Environmental Stewardship
- Leadership statement
- Statement of Need
- Budget Appropriateness

Can we help you?

How can Gateway Fund assist your organization?